Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 1

Well this is it!! Im offically starting Week one of my last six weeks here. Its been a crazy awesome super stressful best (almost) 2 years ever!! I seriously have loved every moment out here. I 'remember much of the hard stuff. I recognize that hard things have happened but I hardly remember those. All of my memories are full of joy and happiness and I am so glad that I have had this time to serve. But now it's time for this weeks update!

We had good week this week. It was quite rainy which made it hard to find new people. So that was kinda rough. But anyway, we had some great lessons with Angie and Victor. Angie seems so set. She just a little bit scared to talk with her Dad. Her Dad is supposedly very catholic and doesnt really enjoy the fact that we are teaching her. We try talking with him, but every time we see him, he runs away from us. Her mom doesn't mind that we teach her. She will even listen to us, but you can tell that she just isn't very interested. Angie is very worried about asking her dad. She has her sister (who is a member) and her sister's husband to support her. So this week we just were talking with her and we just started talking about Fast and Prayer. It was incredible how fast and perfectly things just happened. It was so weird. It seemed to just fall right into place. It really was awesome and Angie seemed so ready to fast and pray for the strength to talk to her dad. We will see tonight if she was able to do it.

We also had a good lesson with Victor this week. We found out that he has been struggling with the word of wisdom and the law of chastity. Its been dragging him down. But he seemed to have greater desire to move on and obey the commandments. But we will also see this week how he is doing.

We had this crazy awesome experience this week. We were walking to an appointment when Elder Proffit and I both felt that we needed to visit a members house. So we decide to visit them. It turns out that a 15 year old member had just been robbed. She was not having a good time either. She didn't want to look at us and just was having a rough time. She asked for a blessing. Her mom asked Elder Proffit to give the blessing. He still struggles a lot with Spanish, but while he gave this blessing, It seemed that there was no problem with his Spanish. It was really the most perfect Spanish I have ever heard him say. It was truly amazing. The Spirit was so strong. And as for the member, we ended up finishing our visit laughing. It was amazing how the spirit was able to help her. It was one of the most powerful experiences that I have had yet on the mission. Well time is short and I gave to go. I love you all!!

Elder Jared

Monday, May 16, 2016

Quick Update

Hello!! I hope you all are having a fantastic week!! WE have had a decent week here, I just want to give a nice quick update. I just want to tell you guys that Angie is progressing very well right now. she went to church and she really wants to be baptized. Its so exciting know that she has the desires to repent and be baptized by his authority. We are a little bit worried about permission from her father, but her Mom has given us the OK to move ahead, but we will be having a Family Home evening with her family tonight. Her older sister is a member and is sealed, so I believe that she will help us a lot. Angie Really is great and we had a fantastic lesson on the Plan of salvation. Her mom was there, but she isnt really interested. One by one I guess we will have to get this family. I am super excited for them.

I really dont know what else to say, other than that there isnt much to say, just another week in the work of the Lord!

Love you all

Elder Jared

Monday, May 2, 2016

And the cold comes rolling in!

This week was a pretty good week. There most definatly were ups and downs to the week. One Good thing that happened this week is that we had a cold front move in this week!! Which was quite a relief knowing that I had beat the Paraguayan heat! its a relief to not be sweating all day walking in the blistering sun!

We had been working with an investigator named Eduardo Ozuna for a long time now. His family is active (except for his Dad) and he was baptized when he was 8 but what happened was that he never went fully under, so after 4 attempts at being baptized, he got scared and just left the font. So for 2 years, missionaries have been passing by their house trying to help him. And for the first time in these 2 years, he had accepted a baptismal date. We have been working with him about his fear of water and he was starting to be more confident in being baptized. So we were super excited for him to be baptized this weekend. But Saturday we were talking with his Dad about it and his Dad basically just said "we are going to do it another date. End of Story." We tried asking him why and he said he didnt know about the date. Which is a complete lie because we had talked about it with him many times. and his wife and Eduardo had talked about it. So it was just really frustrating for me. So Theres the Struggle between helping the Father (The ward and we have been working real hard with putting goals with him to be worthy to baptize but he just wasnt meeting the goals) and helping his son recieve the remision of his sins through repentance and baptism. Its quite a dificult balance to find! But we are praying very hard for them so that Eduardo can be baptized.

So That happened like saturday. and that really put a huge bummer on our day. We were really just kind of disanimated at that point. So we just decided to continue with our plans. We had recieved a refrence from a member that we decided to check out. And It was a great lesson that we had. her name is Maria De los Angeles, but everyone calls her Angie for short. She is 12 years old and is the sister of the member. So we just decided to stop by and see her and she lets us in really quick. She immediatly pulls out all of the pamphelts with the missionary lessons and the Book of Mormon and the Gospel Principle book. She had been studying a little bit! She had been to church so we started talking about her expirence in the Church and she told us that she loved it. She said that going just wanted her to change and to be better! I think that pretty rare for a 12 year old girl. so yeah. Super awesome. so then we teach the restoration to her and she honestly loved it! She said that she wanted to know what the true church is and she feels like it was an answer for her! But she really wanted to recieve a firm firm confirmation so she said she will pray about it! It was so great seeing something so awesome right after sucha dower of a lesson with Eduardos Dad. The Lord always seems to lift me up after something like that happenes!! I love him!!

Victor was called into work this Sunday, So once again, we have to wait for another week. But he says that he feels ready., It was cool because in the past lessons, hes been telling us that he had to work through some things, but this week he told us that he felt he was ready. He truly is repenting and the change in him has been incredible. I really hope he can go to church next week. I love you all!!!

Elder Jared